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Monkeybreadlife creates “ME” time to help women reconnect with themselves. Find more fulfillment through tactile, old-school experiences delivered via regular mail. Activities are intended to give users a break from social media and everyday life and connect them through activities that they can complete with other like-minded women almost as though the internet doesn’t exist by engaging via text and group chats.

I worked on Wall Street for over 10 years and enjoyed the people I met and worked for but found myself wanting to contribute more to my life. I saw a bigger picture for my future. Untapped potential and talent were being wasted inside, not to mention the amount of time I spent in the office or on less important things. I decided to pursue work more meaningful to me that infused my passion for creativity, community, and skills, adding value in different ways to support my mission.

You’re an individual. So are your dreams, aspirations, and needs: which means no two packages are the same. 

What’s inside each package? Well, how about playing make believe with a pipe cleaner and rock while imagining lying on a cloud of peace? Or sending a secret message in a bottle through the mail across an ocean? Or placing tiny crowns on a life map that gives a true picture of you? Yes. That really happens.

You receive special attention and care with each package all designed to help you focus on what’s most important to you.  What a relief. And the beauty of joining monkeybreadlife is that it doesn’t take much effort at all: Just a desire to own your true self again. The experiences are easy, therapeutic, and require no glue or scissors.  Time travel without ever leaving your couch and connect to the little girl inside that likes to come out and play.

Peace and love forever,

Who joins Monkeybreadlife?


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Monkeybreadlife is for women that want to be part of a community that enjoys more meaningful experiences. If you want to find fulfilling ways to disconnect from the noise everyday life can bring you’ve found the right place. Here, we ship curated experiences that help you create a fulfilled life. 

What are people saying about their experience?

“You surprise me every single time 🙂 Thank you!” Mani O., Morristown, NJ

“I was so excited to open my package because I had no idea what I’d receive or be asked to do. When I opened the envelope and read the letter it spoke directly to me and my current situation in life and that experience stuck with me for weeks. I had an activity where I had to add these cute little crowns to a life map and as I did that I reflected on so many things that helped inspire me. Without getting into too much detail, all I can say is that I’m glad I found out about Monkeybreadlife and plan to continue to stay involved with it. “ Sherry M., Livingston, NJ

“Thank you, Kyra, for sharing your light with the world. This is so uplifting and made my entire summer!” Mae C., Charlotte, NC


“I’m on my third order and they continue to feel special and very personal. You are so hands-on and I love interacting with you. I feel your heart in everything you do and appreciate you sharing this wonderful product with women.” Jasmine T., Baltimore, MD

“I just feel happy when I read your stuff.” Lynn B., Fredericksburg, VA

“Nostalgic and magical. I DID feel like a little girl again and it was well worth it. This is my escape!” Tania J., Atlanta, GA

How can I participate?

One Month

Designed with the utmost attention.

You will receive

+ 1 curated meaningful experience


Get it for only $29.99 + Free shipping


Meaningful experiences subscription service
3 month subscription service

3 Months

Handwritten notes and handmade items are some of your favorite things.

You will receive

+3 curated meaningful experiences (one per month)


Order this for only $79.99 + Free shipping


6 Months

You get that rituals like writing letters with your bare hands on pen and paper mean something.

You will receive

+ 6 curated meaningful experiences (one per month)


+ Special surprise gifts and discounts


+ Birthday gift


+ Free one-month gift subscription for a friend


All for only $149.99 + Free Shipping


6 month subscription service

One Month

Designed with the utmost attention and care

You will receive

+ 1 curated meaningful experience


Get it for only $29.99 + Free shipping


Meaningful experiences subscription service

3 Months

Handwritten notes and handmade items are some of your favorite things.

You will receive

+ 3 curated meaningful experiences (one per month)



Order this for only $79.99 + Free shipping

3 month subscription service

6 Months

You get that rituals like writing letters with your bare hands on pen and paper mean something.

You will receive

+ 6 curated meaningful experiences (one per month)


+ Special surprise gifts and discounts


+ Birthday gift


+ Free one-month gift subscription for a friend


All for only $149.99 + Free Shipping

6 month subscription service